Thursday, August 30, 2007

Making time for what's important

My friend Becky and I meet every two weeks to go over our goals and discuss our progress and where we're meeting resistance (usually in ourselves).

For weeks Becky has resisted doing exercises her physical therapist recommended for her injured shoulder. But recently she decided she was never going to just "have time" because she always has a million things to do. If she wants her shoulder to heal, she has to make the time to do the exercises.

So she scheduled the time in her Daytimer. She views it just like she would an appointment with a doctor. She doesn't schedule anything during her exercise time, and she's made a chart so she can mark her progress. This strategy is so far working very well for her.

So what is it you'll do "when you have time"? (For me, right now, it's yoga and meditation. I was doing both of those things religiously and benefiting so much, and then my schedule got interrupted with a conference, and I simply fell out of the habit.) If it's important, make the time for it. Write it on your calendar. Make an appointment with yourself, and don't stand yourself up!


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