Friday, August 3, 2007

Feeling a bit jaded?

The Law of Attraction is all about feeling good. We draw to us experiences that match how we're feeling, so my goal is to feel as good as I possibly can in every moment of every day.

But sometimes it's hard to hold on to that happy feeling. Whether something "bad" has happened, or I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, sometimes I catch myself feeling a bit grumpy or dispirited. When that happens, I just go to my "feel good" file on my computer, where I have lists of websites, pictures, jokes and nice e-mails that are guaranteed to lift my mood.

Here is a gem that came into my mailbox today. It's a collection of videos from YouTube sure to make you laugh and feel inspired.

While you're at it, check out the Law of Attraction Tools website home. Julie and Sydney produce a wonderful talk show on Blog Talk Radio about the Law of Attraction. The archived shows are available.

Have a wonderful weekend--I'm taking the weekend off and I'll be back on Monday.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Julie is really great isn't she? She has an excellent website and radio show and a very generous spirit . SHE even posted one of my video's on the feel good page!