Sunday, August 26, 2007

Do you look successful?

Did you know you can look successful without driving a Mercedes or draping yourself with diamonds? Studies have shown, however, that our appearance and manner have much to do with whether people perceive us as successful and important.

1. Stand up straight. People with good posture are perceived as successful; people who slouch are not.

2. Walk faster. People who look like they have somewhere to go and something to do give off an aura of success.

3. Stay busy, but don't rush around. People engaged in unhurried activity are perceived as more successful than people who are in a stressed-out frenzy, or those hanging out by the water cooler filing their nails.

4. Pay attention to grooming. People with a neat appearance are seen as more successful than their slovenly counterparts. Hint: You don't have to spend more money on clothes to look better. Simply pay twice as much for your clothes--and buy half as many. High-quality clothes will last longer and remain in fashion longer than cheap clothes. (This is advice I've yet to take myself, since I am queen of the shopping bargains.)

5. Speak up. At meetings, ask questions or make comments and suggestions. Speak confidently and clearly. People who speak up are perceived as more successful than those who hang at the back of a room.

So why do you care whether people THINK you're successful? Because if they think you're successful, they'll treat you that way. And if they treat you as successful, you'll feel successful. And if you feel successful ... you'll soon be successful.


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