Thursday, July 12, 2007

Getting my inspiration

For the rest of this week I will be at the RWA conference, getting inspired!

No matter what your passion, it's important not to burn yourself out. Take time to refill the well. Take a break now and then to network, educate yourself, or mentor others along the way. It keeps you fresh.

I've heard people say they don't go to writer's conferences because they've "heard it all." It's always the same workshops every year, they complain. How many times can you listen to someone telling you how to plot a book or create a compelling character? Yet here's what I've found. Every workshop I attend, even if it is a totally beginner class on how to write a query letter, I always learn something.

The day you believe you've learned it all is the day you start going stale. You're never too old, too experienced, or too much of an expert to learn new tricks!

I probably will not post tomorrow or Saturday, as these will be late nights for me at the conference, but please join me again on Sunday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

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