Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Got yoga?

One of the greatest discoveries I've ever made is yoga. Unlike other "exercise" classes I've taken over the years, such as aerobics, Pilates or spinning, I actually look forward to yoga class, though it's often a pretty good work-out.

Why do I love it so much? Because practicing yoga leaves me with an incredible sense of well-being, and it lowers my blood pressure naturally. (I've measured my BP before and after class, and both the systolic and diastolic go down by 10-20 points.)

Now a new study has found scientific back-up for that calm, serene feeling many people report that yoga gives them.

The study took brain scans of yoga practitioners before and after a one-hour session and found that after, their brains showed a significant (27%) boost of the neuro-transmitter gamma-aminobutyric (GABA). Low brain levels of GABA are associated with anxiety and depression.

The study is only a first step, and even the study's lead researcher says more research is needed.

But heck, I don't need no stinkin' study to tell me yoga is a great tool to keep depression at bay. I've proved it to myself.

There are lots of different varieties of yoga, so try out a few different classes until you find one you like. Most teachers, if they're good, will modify postures and movements for any ability level. If you're not near a city that offers yoga, videos are available, and you can even find yoga on TV and yoga podcasts. Give it a try, and let me know what you think.


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