Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The time is now

"I have plenty of time for that."
"I'm going to write my book next year."
"I'll start my diet next week."
"My life is too hectic right now. I'll focus on my dreams when things calm down ..."
"... when the kids start school ..."
"... during summer vacation ..."
"... after I lose weight ..."
"... when the my son graduates ..."
"... when I turn thirty ... forty ... fifty ..."

The fact is, your life never settles down. If you don't start working toward your goals today, right now, you never will. You have to make your dreams a priority. You have to carve out the time, because you'll never just magically "have time."

If you aren't living your dream, or working steadily toward it, why not? What's stopping you?

Start today. Take that first small step today.


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