Thursday, July 19, 2007

Living in the present

One of the keys to being happy is to live in the present moment.

How much time do you spend ruminating over past events, wishing things had gone differently? How much time do you spend kicking yourself for mistakes you've made? Do you lie awake at night worrying about the future?

I certainly don't advocate living entirely in the present moment. Sometimes we have to look back, so we can learn from our mistakes. And certainly sometimes we have to look forward, so we can set goals and make plans. But most people spend so much time agonizing over the past and the future--pointless worrying--that they forget to enjoy right now.

Remember, the past is over and done with; you can't change it. And "someday" will never get here. Can you stop, right now, to appreciate where you are right now? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, empty your mind of worries, and just be.


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